Monday, September 30, 2019

Carol Ann Duffy uses the theme of growing up in her poem Essay

Carol Ann Duffy uses the theme of growing up in her poem ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’. She starts off by setting the first stanza in a class in a primary school. She uses ‘you could travel up the Blue Nile with your finger, tracing the route while Mrs Tilscher chanted the scenery. Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum. Aswan’. This quite obviously tells us that she teaching the young, ambitious class with a globe, again referring back to the classroom scenery as most primary school classrooms have globes. Then she says ‘That for an hour, then a skittle of milk and the chalky pyramids rubbed into dust’. Here, Carol Ann Duffy is showing that when the geography lesson has finished and the children have had a break they simply forget about what they’ve been taught. She also refers back to the geography with chalky pyramids. This stanza basically emphasising the happiness of the children at that age. ‘This was better than home. Enthralling books. The classroom glowed like a sweetshop’. This is the opening two lines of the second stanza again showing the happiness and excitement of the children. ‘Better than home’ home is great so school must be even greater. ‘The classroom glowed like a sweetshop’ a child’s favourite place is a sweetshop so Carol Ann Duffy here is using a simile showing that the atmosphere in her classroom is electrified by excited children as if they’re in their favourite sweet shop. ‘Brady and Hindley’ these were two child murderers that the children wouldn’t know about. Carol Ann Duffy, I think, has added these to humiliate them and to show the reader that the children are safe and in a totally different world to the murderers. ‘Mrs Tilscher loved you. Some mornings, you found she’d left a gold star by your name’ the poet here is showing the reader the relationship between Mrs Tilscher and her children, again referring back to this really happy atmosphere and how Mrs Tilscher puts herself out to keep these children eager to learn, maybe, the next country or continent on the globe or looking at Vincent Van Gogh’s famous paintings. Moving on to the next stanza, Carol Ann Duffy has started with ‘Over the Easter term, the inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks’. This is definitely a signal from the poet that the children are growing up. The poet here has put the poem into reality going back to when the reader was at this stage, everyone had the tadpoles experience before Easter then come back and they’d all turned into frogs but here the poet is putting the children in conjunction with the tadpoles signifying that they are growing up as well. As you can see Carol Ann Duffy, the poet, adds something in this stanza that almost everybody has the experience of as a youngster, ‘A rough boy told you how you were born. You kicked him, but stared at your parents, appalled, when you got back home’. It was that day never to be forgotten, the day you found out that you don’t just pop out your mums belly button but everybody, eventually, takes in the truth and carries on with their lives. The next stanza begins. By now the children aren’t really, in fact, children anymore. They’ve finally reached the final curtain before senior school. They were in their last term of primary school and what fools they were to believe that this was a relief. ‘That feverish July, the air tasted of electricity. A tangible alarm made you always untidy, hot, fractious under the heavy, sexy sky’. Here, the poet is just emphasising the summer season and hot weather and I think with the use of the word electricity she means how immensely excited they were about leaving. ‘You asked her how you were born and Mrs Tilscher smiled, then turned away’. Again referring back to the, once disgusting but now quite interesting, subject of sex, here showing that their minds still don’t really want to believe it but aren’t perfectly sure what’s true and what isn’t. ‘Mrs Tilscher smiled, then turned away’. Here again emphasising that sex isn’t to be found out about at this age and certainly isn’t a subject of conversation for the classroom. ‘Reports were handed out. You ran through the gates, impatient to be grown, as the sky splits into a thunderstorm. It must be the last day; the children are extremely excited about leaving. First of all, at the end of the day, you get your report and without even saying your last goodbyes you’ve ran through the gates, but these may not be the gates of your school but the gates to a bumpy ride to hell! ‘Impatient to be grown’ after all the children or should I say young adults have hit the puberty barrier and now want to be just like their mother and father, no longer embarrassed about sex but wanting to be involved with it. ‘As the sky split open into a thunderstorm’ this is a very powerful use of language, it almost hits the reader. But Carol Ann Duffy is basically showing the reader that they don’t know what they’re in for and could turn out to be horrendous. The use of the word thunderstorm maybe referring back to the weather because usually after really hot days after days you get a thunderstorm and also could be referring back to the unsafe world looking back at Child murderers Brady and Hindley.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Police stress Essay

Introduction Stress is a psychological factor and a common feature of almost every kind of work. But it is important to note that it was only in the mid-70s that industrial psychologists focused their attention on the importance of stress in the workplace. â€Å"To serve and protect,† is the law enforcers’ motto as he works to accomplish the goals of his job which is primarily to provide protection to the citizens of his state. There accompanies with the work the kind of people whose shady and dark characters pursue the primary purposes in life which are to commit a crime and study ways to evade the long arm of the law. In policing work, stress is not underestimated but rather an important and critical aspect of the job (â€Å"it goes with the territory,† so to speak); stress comes in different forms. It is a given then, that police work is pictured as a form of service where the challenges are not the same as the regular kind of job; more so when the person is in active post or duty and expected to meet the most difficult types of experiences but usually on a regular basis. It is this scenario that this paper explores and presents to the reader the nuances of the job, the stresses a police officer regularly encounters, possible consequences on his personal and home life, as well as probable interventions. Significance of the study Two reasons are suggested why there was a growing recognition of the importance of stress on the job. First, there is the general awareness that stress-related diseases have reached epidemic proportions. More people die or are disabled today as a result of stress than at any other time. Because stress is so physically damaging and pervasive in people’s lives and because it is primarily psychological in nature the discipline of psychology as a whole and especially the specialty area of health psychology is interested in studying and treating stress and other psychosomatic disorders (Chang et al. 2006). The second reason for the growing awareness of the importance of stress at work is practical. The effects of stress on the job are costly and are reflected in a lower productive efficiency. Stress has been known to reduce drastically employee motivation and the physical ability to perform the task well thus, increasing absenteeism, turnover, and tardiness (Cahill 2003; Chang et al. 2006; Williams 2003). Statement of the Problem What is stress at work and how is this demonstrated in a particular individual worker like the police officer? What has personality trait or individual differences do with the development of stress as well as how do people cope with stress when the source is the place of work? This paper attempts to define, describe and explain the nature of stress, factors that contribute to the development of stress in an individual, and in particular what job stress or stress in the workplace can do to an individual. Discussion ~ The Nature of Stress Inside the body, dramatic physiological changes take place under stress. Adrenalin, released from the adrenal glands, speeds up all bodily functions. Blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, and extra sugar is released to the bloodstream. The increased circulation of the blood brings additional energy to the brain and muscles, making us more alert and stronger sp that we can cope with the sudden emergency (Landy 1985). A stressful situation mobilizes and directs one’s energy beyond its normal level. But if a person remains in that state of supercharged energy for too long, the body’s reservoir of energy will dissipate. Rest is needed to replenish the energy supply (Williams 2003). Prolonged stress leads to psychosomatic disorders. Remember that psychosomatic diseases are not imaginary. They are real and involve specific tissue and organ damage even though their cause is psychological. In prolonged stress, the body may suffer physiological damage and the person may become ill (Landy 1985). A. Individual Differences in Vulnerability to Stress One factor that affects vulnerability to stress on the job is social support, one’s network of social and family ties. The person who is alone physically and psychologically is more vulnerable to stress than someone who has strong social relationships. Social support on the job is also important to reduce stress and to have better health (Cahill 2003; Chang et al., 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). One’s physical condition also relates to one’s vulnerability to stress effects. Persons in better physical condition suffer fewer effects of stress than those in poor physical condition (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Level of ability to perform a job can make people more or less resistant to the stresses of that job. Employees with a high level of the skills needed for the job finds the work easier and less stressful than employees with a lower ability (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Personality seems to be related to one’s ability to tolerate stress. This is particularly apparent with those of apparent with those of Type A and Type B personalities and their susceptibility to heart disease, one of the major effects of stress (Landy 1985). The Type A personality is highly prone to heart disease by middle age, independent of physical factors or their type of work. The two primary characteristics of a Type A personality are a very high competitive drive and a constant sense of urgency about time. Type A personalities are hostile people although they successfully hide it from others. That is why Type A personalities are always in a state if tension and stress (Landy 1985; Williams, 2003). Persons with the Type B personality never have heart attacks before the age of 70, regardless of their jobs or their eating and smoking habits. Type B people may be just as ambitious as Type A people, but they have none of their characteristics. They function under far less stress in all aspects of life including work (Landy 1985). B. Stress at work There are occupations that are considered very stressful. The following twelve are those that engender highest levels of stress: law enforcer, labourer, secretary, inspector, clinical lab technician, office manager, first-line supervisor, manager or administrator, waiter or waitress, machine operator, farm worker, miner, painter. This is taken from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Other occupations considered to be in high stress are the fire fighters, computer programmer, dental assistant, electrician, fire fighter, social worker, telephone operator, and hairdresser (Landy 1985). Survey is also found that among working women, the most stressful jobs are in the health care industry. For example, nurses, medical, dental, and lab technicians and social workers (Cahill 2001). Psychologists renamed the concept of overwork into the term overload and have identified two types: 1. Quantitative overload 2. Qualitative overload Quantitative overload is the condition of having too much work to do in the time available. Qualitative overload involves not so much work to do but work that is too difficult (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Another stress factor in the workplace is change. Many changes occur in the workplace. The introduction of a new work procedure may require employees to learn and adapt to different production methods (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Performance appraisal is a source of stress for a great many people. Few people like the idea of being evaluated whether at school or work. An employee’s role in the organization can be a source of stress. Role ambiguity arises when the employees’ work role is poorly structured and ill-defined. Role conflict arises when there is a disparity among the demands of a job and the employees, personal standard and values (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Problems of career development may lead to stress at work. Stress can arise when an employee fails to receive an anticipated promotion (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Being responsible for other people is a major source of difficulty for some supervisors and managers (Landy 985).   Contact with a stress carrier is also a cause of stress. A person free of stress can be infected by someone who is highly stressed (Landy 1985). Assembly-line work has been associated with stress because it is characterized by repetition and monotony (Landy 1985). Overall, then, each person must confront and deal with a large and recurring number of stress-producing events everyday both at home and at work. Although most people experience at least some of the harmful effects of stress at one time or another, most people, fortunately, do manage to cope (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). One effect of stress on the job resulting from overwork is called burnout. The employee becomes less energetic and less interested in the job. He or she becomes emotionally exhausted, apathetic, depressed, irritable, and bored; finds fault with everything about the work (Cahill 2003; Chang et al, 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Figure 1.0 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Model of Job Stress (Source: NIOSH, Burnout develops in three distinct stages: 1. Emotional exhaustion, with a feeling of being drained and empty (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 2. Cynicism and the lack of sensitivity toward others (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 3. Futility, the feeling that all the effort put forth previously was wasted and worthless (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Employees with burnout become rigid about their work, following rules and procedures blindly and compulsively because they are too exhausted to be flexible or consider alternative solutions to a problem (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). There is a price to pay for such overwork over a long period of time. Stress accumulates and leads to the psychological and physiological ailments described earlier. These people work so hard that they burn away their energy faster than the body can replace it. Such persons have been described as workaholics, or employees addicted to work (Cahill 2003; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Nature and Dangers of Police Work Studies done by Malloy and Mays (p 177 1984) point to the importance of understanding the kind of job that policing involves. The authors not only examined the stress levels within the workplace but a comparative study was made as well with the amount of stress experienced by law enforcement officers and other workers in other organizations or institutions particularly in government entities. The findings show that few jobs can equal the kind of stress that police work entails; fire fighters may come close though the frequency of negative or distressful events or occurrences become a regular fare for law enforcers contributing to the overall danger and threat to their personal well-being. Reports of suicide or attempted suicide have reportedly been high despite increasing awareness to the stresses of the job (Brown 2008). Symptoms may be there already but the few people close to the person refuse to recognize or identify the signs. These include irritability, lowered sex drive, digestive upsets, fatigue, muscle aches like backaches, insomnia or restlessness, overeating or drinking too much, muscle tics or rashes, a pounding heart, headaches and light-headedness may be evident on the individual. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or mental health issues can be some of the effects when prolonged stress is experienced and may even affect the immune system’s ability to protect the person’s body from everyday illnesses. Because an officer regularly deals with stress and anguish experienced by people they meet on the job, emotions can easily be bottled up, or set aside and compromise one’s health or in many instances, affect the officer’s ability to deal with the issues and problems in his own personal and family life.   Studies self-management skills program for the police officers show that there is a great difference when police officers go through programs that help them understand the emotional upheavals that go with the job. There was the reduction of signs and symptoms of imminent distress or physical and psychological manifestations of stress (McCraty et al 1999). Other techniques specifically used in other studies make use of films as tools to help debrief these individuals (Mann 1973 p 63). C. Interventions and organizational techniques The techniques for dealing with stress on the job involved both the prevention of stress and its reduction and elimination. Techniques that individual employees can practice on and off the job include relaxation training, biofeedback, and behavior modification. Some methods provided by organization include altering the organizational climate, providing employee assistance programs and treating victims of stress-related illnesses (Cahill, 2003; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). Industrial/organizational psychologists have proposed several organizational techniques for managing stress at work especially with police work: 1. Emotional Climate Control. Because of the stressors of modern organizational life is change, the organization must provide sufficient support to enable employees to adapt to change. This can be accomplished by providing a climate of esteem and regard for employees and by allowing them to participate in all decisions involving change in their work and in the structure of the organization (Chang et al. 2006; Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 2. Provision of social support. Social support can reduce one’s vulnerability to stress. Organizations can enhance social support by facilitating the cohesiveness of work groups and by training the supervisors to be supportive of their subordinates (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 3. Redefinition of employee roles. To reduce the stress caused by role ambiguity, managers must clearly state to their subordinates what is expected of them and what the precise scope and responsibilities of their jobs are (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). 4. Elimination of work overload and work underload. Proper selection and training, equitable promotion decisions and fair distribution of work can do much to eliminate these causes of stress. 5. Provision of assistance to stressed employees. More and more organizations today are recognizing the harmful effects that stress can have on employee health and productivity. As a result, they are providing in-house counseling programs that teach individual stress-control techniques and supplying facilities for physical exercise (Landy 1985; Williams 2003). Some stress is necessary for normal functioning. The nervous system apparently needs a certain amount of stimulation to function properly. But stress that is too intense or prolonged can have destructive physiological and psychological effects. The actions of autonomic nervous system that prepare the organism for emergency can, if prolonged lead to such physical disorders as ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Severe stress can also impair the organisms’ immune responses, decreasing its ability to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. It is estimated that more than half of all medical problems are believed to be related to emotional stress. Psychosomatic disorders such as allergies, migraine, headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers and even acne are among the illnesses that are related to emotional stress (Hilgard, et al., 1983). Conclusion Frustrations occur when progress toward a goal is blocked or delayed and when two motives conflict, satisfaction of one leads to the blocking of the other. For as long as a human individual is alive and functioning in whatever milieu he is in, these forces are at work, often straining and draining him. Coping and defense strategies oftentimes become indispensable but later become debilitating for most if no longer controlled and regulated. The severity of stress depends on the situation’s predictability, the potential for control, the individual’s cognitive evaluation, his feelings of competency, and the presence of social supports (Halonen and Santrock, 1996). Works Cited: Atkinson, R.L., R.C. Atkinson, E.E. Smith, D.J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema, Introduction to Psychology, 13th ed. (1993). New York: Harcourt College Publishers. Brown, Hal. Introduction to Police Stress. Accessed February 27, 2008 Cahill, C. A. 2001. Women and stress. In Annual Review of Nursing Research, 19, 229-249. Chang, E. M., Daly, J., Hancock, K.M., Bidewell, J. W., Johnson, A., Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E. 2006. The Relationships Among Workplace Stressors, Coping Methods, Demographic Characteristics, and Health in Australian Nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(1), 30-38. Landy, F.J. 1985. Psychology of Work Behavior. 3rd Ed. Dorsey Press. Malloy, Thomas E., G. Larry Mays. â€Å"The Police Stress Hypothesis: A critical evaluation. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 11 (1984): 197-224. Sauter, Steven, et al., â€Å"Stress at Work† NIOSH publication. Retrieved December 20, 2007 Williams, C. 2003. Stress at Work. Canadian Social Trends, Autumn, 7-13. Halonen, J.S. and J.W. Santrock. 1996. Psychology: Contexts of behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p.810. Hilgard, ER, RR Atkinson, and RC Atkinson, 1983. Introduction to Psychology. 7th ed., New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc. Mann, Philip A. â€Å"Stress Training.† In Psychological Consultation with a Police Department: A Demonstration of Cooperative Training in Mental Health, by Philip Mann, 62-64. Springfield Illinois; Charles C, Tomas, (1973). McCraty, Rollin, Dana Tomasino, Mike Atkinson, Joseph Sundram. â€Å"Impact of the HeartMath Self-Management Skills Program on Physiological and Psychological Stress in Police Officers.† Institute of HeartMath, Publication No. 99-075. Boulder Creek, CA. (1999). Morris, Charles G. & Albert Maisto, 1999. Understanding Psychology. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc. P. 73.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Vaginal Birth is better than Cesarian Section Research Paper

Vaginal Birth is better than Cesarian Section - Research Paper Example   Relevant studies from the United Kingdom echoed findings that babies born from planned vaginal delivery had best outcomes compared to those who had Cesarian sections (Greer, et al. 2009, 675). Of the two approaches, vaginal delivery is cost-effective as it has the least risk for admission to the neonatal unit, least need for supplemental oxygen, least need for hospital and physician services, and least incidence of hypoglycemia and respiratory problems. Guise et al.     explained that Cesarian section is more expensive because of the following reasons: (1) longer stays in the hospital of both mother and child and more intensive observation from physicians; (2) longer delivery and operative time; (3) increased risk for perioperative complications; and (4) increased need for baby’s supplemental oxygen because of respiratory complications (39). As reflected in the studies given, vaginal birth offers the most cost-effective approach of delivery because it does not involve an operation/incision that may take days or weeks to heal. It is cost-effective for the mother because only the necessary medications, treatment and services during delivery are being given. There is no need to avail of any additional supplemental oxygen or treatment for the baby as babies born from vaginal birth have fewer respiratory complications. While discomfort or pain during labor discouraged the mother to have vaginal birth, this was significantly outweighed by a number of risks that may harm the mother and child once they choose the Cesarian section.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 10

Assignment Example The use of information technology resources enables Hertz to facilitate its consumers through an efficient and sound online booking and reservation system. The business operations are expanded in more than 145 nations and there were nearly 9500 locations during 2009 - 2010. Nevertheless, USA, Australian and developed European economies are considered as its core markets unlike Asia and Africa. (Internet: Hertz Car Rental focuses heavily on brand recognition, awareness, brand equity, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The company is in a transformation process as it has been paying special attention to update internal structure and to meet contemporary business requirements and challenges. New company logo, employee uniforms and induction of technologically advanced fuel-efficient vehicles in fleets are all the steps towards differentiation and positioning to obtain clear and distinctive image in the minds of customers (Hein, 2009). As far as other businesses of company are concerned, it has Equipment, Truck and Van rental and Car Sales units because of its business development strategy. The rental businesses deal directly with end-users; however, the Car Sales division is responsible to resale all used vehicles from company’s existing fleet of automobiles so that the old ones could be replaced by new ones. Safety, quality and reliability are the core principles of Hertz and the strategic planners never compromise upon these values for short-term monetary gains. Some of the major departments in the corporation are Finance, Sales, Process Improvement and Project Management, Marketing, HRM, Information Technology and Vehicle Maintenance. The top management is determined to facilitate internal communication and collaboration among employees, because information sharing is viewed as the actual asset in today’s workplace. The organization could not be called as absolutely complex in nature; however, co mplexity is observed at Hertz

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Role of a Military Officer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Role of a Military Officer - Essay Example The paper tells that although work in the military is perilous, stressful, demanding and a non-lucrative occupation, nevertheless, there is no better reward than to be regarded as someone of service to the community wherein we and our loved ones are living in. That objective alone establishes a sufficient motivation for me to go through this challenge. He is aware that being a Military Officer carries with it a great responsibility and requires utmost devotion and determination. It is his aspiration to gain knowledge and expertise in this field to be of efficient service. He believes that every man has his own destiny. And in his heart, this is what he is committed to pursue. As a Military Officer, he is expected to possess the necessary qualifications to fulfill this delicate function. Society must be assured that he has a keen understanding and appreciation of the true nature and significance of the military profession and have a thorough awareness of the social responsibilities it entails. It is important to be trained to be an effective leader in all aspects of army life and to be responsible for a team of soldiers and other personnel under my command. Aside from possessing high degrees of self-discipline and excellent physical and mental fitness, he is required of expertise, broad liberal education and technical knowledge to effectively apply military force in an orderly manner. Society expects that its Military Officers are committed, competent and capable of taking any mission whose objective is to protect and defend the country.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Advertising promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advertising promotion - Essay Example The business plan for the service is that the target market will hire Darla to perform weekly errands like picking up dry cleaning and grocery shopping, or do one-off errands, such as getting shoes or watches repaired or dropping off library books. The idea is that if Darla performs these tasks, these people will be able to relax and spend more time with friends and family, and enjoy other leisure activities. Issue with the Idea The main issue encountered for implementing this idea was to generate awareness about the service to the target people so that the idea could be implemented properly. Besides this, reaching out to the target customers efficiently was also major issue faced by Darla and her errand service. Solution To tackle this problem proper communication with the target market was essential and to actualise the same Darla had to spend a significant amount of money on advertising. In addition she had to take a call whether she would go for in-house advertising or hire an ag ency to do the job. The target market for â€Å"I’ll Run for You† comprised of a pretty large population in the area and mainly included the people who either led retired or busy lives. The elderly people who were too old for errands, and the professionals who had to travel because of work, had no time to do the errands. Before deciding on the type of advertising that Darla should have considered, it is important to analyse the pro and cons of both an in-house and an advertising agency services. In an in-house agency, the cost is relatively low and with improved technology actions ranging from direct mails to development of website, can be successfully executed by a marketer. Consistency and transparency can also be easily maintained by an in-house agency (Powers, 2012). The biggest benefit of an in-house agency is that it has total control over the provider’s time, quality and activity. Most of the organisations try to maintain the core operation in-house, whic h would differentiate the business (Traxler, 2012). However the in-house agency has a relatively low buying power of media, there are hardly any fresh views, lacks specialised knowledge, and also the stress related to work is more (Smith & Taylor, 2004, p.168). In other words, in-house agencies are less experienced, less flexible and less objective (Belch, Belch & Purani, 2010, p. 102). In case of advertising agency the biggest benefit is the expertise knowledge that the agency brings on board. The agencies work in groups, and so they are likely to pick the most innovative idea and act as per the requirements of the clients. Moreover, as the crucial part of advertising is handled by the agency, a lot of significant time gets saved for the organisation to involve in other related activities (Sharma, 2011). However advertising agency is a costly affair as they usually charge a high price for the variety of services and sometimes the clients end up paying for pretty trivial reasons. Th e money involved is relatively higher as compared to an in-house agency. Besides this less involvement with and understanding of overall marketing goals of the client, and longer response time taken by the external agencies also act as dampening factors of hiring an outside agency. Recommendation Analysing the pros and cons of both in-house and outside advertising agency, it is recommended to â€Å"I’ll Work for you† to hire an outside agency which would help it in generating awareness among the target customers. Although outside advertising agency has many disadvantages, but since the business is new, it will be beneficial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Operating systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operating systems - Essay Example It should be noted that the 64-bit operating system exist. The administrator then creates the answer file before embarking on the installation process. The answer file can be created using the text-editor or setup manager. The administrator should run the setup using special command line parameter. It instructs the setup to read the answer file. Therefore, the setup would not prompt the user for an action on installation and configuration; instructions on the answer file are followed. The administrator begins the unattended installation by restarting the computer. The actions specified in the answer file are carried out to the latter. The operating system, windows Server 2003 performs the post installation tasks. The process has two tools for a built-in mechanism which have different uses in different processes. The tools include System Preparation, denoted as Sysprep and Remote Installation Service, denoted as RIS. The tools are mainly utilized during image-based installation. Using the Sysprep tool requires the technician to create a master installation then create a disk image (Azad, Wilson & Wright, 2008). During creation of the answer file it is recommendable that the technician uses the setup manager tool since it is like a wizard; it prompts the user for a series of parameters in configuring the system then writes to the answer file. The technician is, thus, not required to identify the syntax of writing the answer

Monday, September 23, 2019

Central Bank Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Central Bank - Term Paper Example The highly potential and naturally gifted part of the world does not have any central bank. Here in this essay a suitable structure for the proposed central bank will be provided in detailed fashion. The study will also analyze the point of similarities and dissimilarities between the proposed central bank of GCC and European central bank. The essay will also incorporate various arguments for supporting and opposing the proposed central bank. It means the essay will follow a critical analysis. The study will describe the various functions and objectives of the proposed central bank in GCC region. The essay will encourage significant detailed analysis in every section of the essay. The essay will follow a step by step approach which will be highly suitable with the topic of the study. At the end of the essay a suitable conclusion will be drawn. The first step after the decision to form a central bank is taken is to decide on the organizational structure of the central bank. To decide on the proposed structure of the new central bank the organization structure of the central bank of the member nations of the GCC can be taken as an example. If we look at the structure of the central bank of other banks belonging to some member nations of GCC, we find that the central banks of different countries follow central organization structure. All the organizations are headed by board of directors. Under the board of directors come the governor and deputy governor. The deputy governor is helped in his duties by a team of directors who look after different functions and departments of the bank. The figure below shows the structure of the central bank of Qatar as a particular example. While designing the structure of the central bank for the GCC the structure of ECB can serve as a good model. ECB as an organization is made up of three major decision making bodies 1. Governing council: The apex decision making

Sunday, September 22, 2019

World War Holocaust Essay Example for Free

World War Holocaust Essay The Holocaust or The Shoah, as referred to by the Jews, was a systematic state-led persecution and genocide of the Jews and other minority groups of Europe and North Africa. It was committed during World War II by the Nazis of Germany and their collaborators (Wikipedia, â€Å"Holocaust†). This was what the Nazis considered as Endlà ¶sung der Judenfrage   or The Final Solution of the Jewish Question. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, about 9 to 11 million people were exterminated during this entire period. Other minorities (ie. Poles, Serbs, homosexuals, persons with mental illness, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc†¦) who the Nazis saw as inferior or undesirable were also killed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is considered by many experts as the most organized and systematic mass-killing in the history of mankind. Jews were herded into death camps and were allowed to suffer many indignities including torture and cruel medical experiments. Jews would be killed by the hundreds through poison gas, freezing or shooting. The women and the children were not spared. They were treated no less cruelly than the male adults. They were also sent to labor camps to serve as slaves to the Nazis. All these inhuman acts are based on the Anti-Semitism philosophy of Adolf Hilter. He laid down the foundations of this movement in his 1925 autobiography entitled Mein Kampf or My Struggle. According to Hitler, the Aryan race is the superior race of the world. Nazism, which followed his ideas, portrayed their interpretation of an Aryan race as the only race capable of, or with an interest in, creating and maintaining culture and civilizations, while other races are merely capable of conversion, or destruction of culture (Wikipedia, â€Å"Aryan†). Because of this belief in Aryan supremacy, the Nazis began by oppressing the Jews and other minorities through discrimination. Jews were not allowed to have jobs or were not given service in hospitals or government offices. These acts would worsen and escalate into an uncontrollable frenzy and would culminate in the infamous Final Solution. Bibliography Holocaust. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 8 June 2006 Aryan. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 8 June 2006

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Missing Lessons of U.S. History Essay Example for Free

The Missing Lessons of U.S. History Essay In order to examine options for integrating extralegal businesses and individuals into the legal property system, De Soto examines the history of the United States for clues on how this task was successfully accomplished in the past. He found that this integration was accomplished primarily through the adaptation of laws to suit the needs of the majority of the country’s people. De Soto begins his exploration of US history in the sixteenth century, when numerous Western Europeans settled in North America. These early colonists based their legal system on English property law, but these laws were not created to apply to the types of situations faced in the colonies and most of the colonists did not fully understand the minutiae of these laws. Because of this situation, many of the colonists functioned extralegally, with local courts following local customs (rather than British law) when settling disputes. These early settlers were often squatters, occupying land without a legal title. Politicians opposed this practice, and they ordered surveys of the land in order to establish rightful ownership. Their efforts did not work because there were no legal regulations to follow in case of dispute. The success of the squatters to integrate into the system can be seen in Vermont, where a group of squatters led by Ethan Allen actually got Vermont recognized as a state. The majority of squatters, however, found it difficult to integrate into the legal property system because British law did not relate to the way of life in the colonies. These squatters created their own property system, marking trees to indicate possession of a piece of land. They also developed means of settling disputes, transferring parcels of land, and establishing credit. Those in power believed that these practices were in direct violation of the law, and those that engaged in these practices should be prosecuted. These squatters became known for their hatred of the law and sometimes engaged in violence to circumvent official authorities. The situation began to change when authorities recognized that making improvements to the land, paying taxes on land, and making arrangements with neighbors could establish ownership. Squatters who engaged in these practices were allowed to purchase the land in question before it was made available to the general public, a practice known as pre-emption. Pre-emption benefited both the squatters (who could become the rightful owners) and the states (who gained revenue from the sale of the land). More obstacles arose in the nineteenth century when the US gained almost 900 million acres of land. Congress attempted to set prices for this public land but was generally not aware of the situation faced by settlers many miles away from the capital. As a result, much of this land was sold on the black market. During this time there were two legal systems in operation: the official, sanctioned laws and the laws that people lived with on a day-to-day basis. Following Green vs. Biddle, the perception of these squatters changed: politicians began seeing them as hard working pioneers improving the country. Congress gave official, national status to the practice of pre-emption, an important step in integrating the two legal systems in operation. Cooperation amongst extralegals, such as claims associations and miner’s organizations, gave them more political power and forced those in power to take their concerns seriously. De Soto argues that the integration of these two legal systems was an important contributing factor to the US’s economic success. Because the American legal system was built from the ground up, the concerns of the extralegals were taken seriously, and the laws addressed the problems this population faced. Chapter 6, â€Å"The Mystery of Legal Failure† Developing countries have tried for almost two centuries to get more people involved in the legal property system. Their efforts have failed for five reasons: belief that people remain extralegal for tax purposes, lack of proper recording of real estate assets, belief that creating the laws is the only answer, ignoring existing social contracts, and belief that these social contracts can be changed on a whim. De Soto and his team successfully set up practices in Peru to integrate extralegal businesses in to the legal property system. Based on his experiences in Peru and evidence from the history of Western government, De Soto developed a formula, termed the capitalization process, for the successful lifting the bell jar of capitalism. This formula has two components: meeting legal challenges and meeting political challenges. The primary legal challenge is the integration of numerous social contracts into one that all citizens of Third World and former communist countries can abide by. These governments must find out the intricacies of the rules their people live by on a daily basis. These extralegal regulations are often documented, a phenomenon that often goes unnoticed. The recognition of these existing social contracts will facilitate the move to a capitalist economy, but it is not enough. People moving from the extralegal sector to the legal sector also need means by which they can settle disputes, i. e. there needs to be documentation of ownership. Furthermore, many people believe that certain rights come along with property ownership – the right to use and exchange that property as they deem fit. If laws do not allow for the execution of these rights, they will not be followed, and people will move back to the extralegal sector because extralegal protocols are in line with prevailing social contracts. Most of these social contracts are solid enough to form the basis of official law. The process of discovering these existing social contracts is referred to by the author as following the barking dogs, a terminology acquired from his experiences in Indonesia. Additionally, the new laws must be created in such a way that people can transform their property into capital. The successful implementation of these new laws requires considerable political power and effort. The institution of these new laws is made more difficult by the fact that existing laws often protect those in power – they stand to lose out if more people are integrated into the system. Political leaders must listen to the poor of their country and get these people on their side because the support of this population is necessary to the implementation of legal property systems. These political leaders, armed with the support of the majority of the population and evidence of this population’s economic power, will be better equipped to gain the support of the country’s elite. The argument must be framed in such a way that the elite see that they have much to gain from the transformational process. In attempting to gain the support of the elite, political leaders can also stress the one important benefit of property system reform: reduced crime rate. Once the support of the poor and elite has been won, political leaders must address the lawyers and technicians. Lawyers in Third World and former communist countries have traditionally been trained to defend existing laws. De Soto contends that lawyers have the power to undermine capitalism’s success and must be re-educated to expand the reach of the law. They must also learn the economic consequences of their activities. The technicians must be capable of keeping accurate records of property. One major stumbling block that needs to be faced in this respect is that many people in Third World countries conceive of property as a physical asset. As such it is not dealt with by legal and economic departments. Any political leader looking to reform the property system must be an effective communicator because property system reform is an issue that effects every member of a country. Chapter 7, â€Å"By Way of Conclusion† Capitalism’s crisis outside of the West stems from the fact that most of the world’s population views capitalism as something restricted to the privileged elite. Reform efforts must be directed at educating people of developing countries that they have much to gain from participation in the legal property system and, by extension, capitalism. As the success of capitalism is contingent upon capital, developing nations must engage in reforms so that assets and potential are accurately represented. Current globalization efforts have focused on getting governments of developing countries to stabilize their currencies and develop the frameworks for international trade. However, these efforts have been based on the erroneous assumption that the governments’ policies already take into consideration the needs of its citizens. This trend perpetuates capitalism’s bell jar: the majority of the world’s population becomes more and more distanced from capitalism. It also leads to the confirmation of Karl Marx’s premonition: capitalism will fail because capital will ultimately be concentrated in the hands of a few elite. One result of capitalism’s bell jar is the continuation of class conflicts that should have ended with the Cold War. These class conflicts are not explained by theories of capitalism, rather they are best explained in Marxist terms. Marx emphasized the importance of property above and beyond its physicality. He grasped that non-physical characteristics of property had the potential to convert property to other, more useful, forms. Marxist theory, however, is not enough to understand the complexities of the issue. Marx did not understand the motivating power of property ownership, and he did not recognize that the property system itself has characteristics that give value to assets and allow them to be converted into capital. Detailed understanding of the property system will allow for progress in terms of development. Furthermore, a good property system allows people to conceive of abstract concepts (such as potential) in concrete terms. Without this capacity, people will continue to think about property and the global economic market in physical terms. Those opposed to capitalism have been quicker to recognize the intangible aspects of the property system than capitalists. For many of the anti-capitalists, their fear of capitalism stems from these intangible aspects. In reforming the property system, forms of written documentation must be simple, transparent, and easily comprehensible if capitalism is to be able to speak to the majority of the world’s population. De Soto examines the cultural contingency of capitalism and argues that the notion of property ownership is compatible with all major cultures, not just those with a prevalent Protestant work ethic. The main problem, therefore, is not with capitalism in theory: it is with the manner in which people try to institute capitalism. Successful implementation of capitalism would be simple and effective if governments would listen to the poor of their country, recognize that their poor citizens save money, see the necessity of legal property systems, accept the fact that violence is not a peripheral concern, see the poor as the solution to the violence, and communicate better with people to make the necessary legal changes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

China’s Economic Expansion: Implications for U.S. Trade and Hegemonic Stability

China’s Economic Expansion: Implications for U.S. Trade and Hegemonic Stability A Changing Global Landscape China is very rapidly approaching economic parity with the United States, which may lead to significant global shifts in power.   Hegemonic stability theory suggests that an international system is more likely to remain stable if a single player is a dominant world power, thus the global equilibrium tends toward a hegemonic state.[1]   The United States emerged as the global hegemon after World War II, specifically in terms of economic power, and has largely provided stability for the global economic system since that time.   While the U.S. has been able to maintain this position throughout most of the 20th Century, China is rapidly rising as an influential economic player and could potentially displace the United States as the global economic leader.   China’s ambitious economic expansion projects, including the New Silk Road initiative and Made in China 2025, have the potential to shift the nexus of economic power from the United States’ and the West toward a Europe-China-centric scenario.   Additionally, the rise of populist-nationalist political rhetoric within the United States could portend a policy shift toward economic protectionism, which would further accelerate the demise of the U.S. economic hegemon and the rise of China as its successor.   It would be in the best interest of the United States to engage with China in a cooperative and mutually beneficial way, perhaps even as a partner in China’s economic development initiatives, in order to preserve American economic prosperity. China’s Economy: An Historic Overview Insight into China’s modern strategy for economic expansion is only possible within the context of China’s past.   Throughout most of China’s history, the Chinese economy was barely able to meet the basic needs of the country’s huge population, including its basic nutritional needs.[2]   Drought, war and social unrest often led to periods of famine and mass starvation before 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party came to power.[3]   After this transition, food storage became centrally controlled by the government.   This method allowed the country to successfully avert famine, and food production grew rapidly after 1949.   This increase in productivity was largely matched by population growth until the one-child policy was instituted in the 1980’s, thus the increased production capacity was not able to outpace essential consumption needs, and very little surplus was produced.[4] The long-term goal of the Communist party was to transform China into a modern, industrialized nation with improved living standards and minimal economic disparity (i.e. a classless society), and to modernize military equipment.   The government leadership initially adopted the Soviet economic model, which focused on achieving a high rate of economic growth that emphasized industrial development at the expense of agricultural development.   Through this process, a solid foundation was created in iron and steel manufacturing, coal mining, cement making and other modern industrial technologies.   Although the government also endeavored to facilitate the mobilization of agricultural resources by encouraging farmers to organize into increasingly large and socialized collective units, the results were not as dramatic as the level of growth within the industrial sectors.[5] In response to the tepid growth in the agricultural sector, in 1957 the Chinese government largely shifted authority for economic decision making to the provincial, county, and local level.   During this time, the Chinese leadership abandoned the Soviet model and instead adopted an approach that relied on spontaneous efforts by the entire population to induce a â€Å"great leap† within all economic sectors at once, which helped to stimulate agricultural growth.   The initial problem with this approach was the lack of sufficient capital to invest in both industrial development and agriculture simultaneously.   To overcome this problem, the leadership attempted to create capital within the agricultural sector by building vast irrigation systems, employing huge teams of underemployed farmers.[6] Despite these advances, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s under Mao Zedong severely stifled technological innovation within China.[7]   This was largely a political phenomenon, where the Communist Party attempted to consolidate power by expelling any hint of budding capitalist ideas, Chinese traditionalists, and intellectuals.   However, it had a pronounced effect on the growing Chinese economy.   Factory managers were largely replaced with Communist Party operatives who had very little knowledge of management or of the enterprise they were supposed to run.   Engineers, scientists, and other professional personnel were sent to the countryside as laborers, or were jailed as dissidents.   Additionally, the Cultural Revolution forced the closing of Universities, which severely hindered China’s ability to develop new technology.   This loss of key knowledge resulted in a 14% decline in industrial production by 1967.[8] In the late 1970’s, after the death of Mao, the Chinese government reaffirmed the modernization program espoused prior to the Cultural Revolution.[9]   The Chinese leaders determined that the centrally planned economy had failed to produce sufficient economic growth, and had caused China to fall behind the industrialized powers of the West and the newly industrialized Asian nations.   While the Communist leadership did not want to completely abandon the centrally planned economy idea, it strived to make it work better by increasing the role of market mechanisms and by reducing the level of centralized government control.   For industry, this included increased autonomy and the ability of managers to keep profits instead of remitting everything earned to the state.   While some key industries were still centrally controlled, individual enterprise was allowed (to an extent) as a means to incentivize economic growth and to reduce unemployment.[10] In recent history, China has been less of an innovator and more of an imitator of foreign technology and innovations.   China’s modern industrial development paradigm lags behind that of the developed world.   While the Chinese government has policy initiatives to encourage internal research and development and technology transfer from outside economies, shortcomings from the pre-reform, planned economy era have constrained China’s ability to efficiently innovate.   China’s Modern Innovation Strategy   In order for any economy to innovate and grow, individual firms must focus on a combination of internal research and development efforts and external technology acquisition.   In this context, the definition of â€Å"technology† is expanded from the vernacular to include processes and ideas that enhance a firm or organization’s ability to compete.[11]   Establishing a strategy that combines these efforts most efficiently is necessary to maximize overall economic development.[12]   In modern microeconomic theory, internal research and development and external technology acquisition are considered to be complimentary innovation strategies.   Economic activities are complimentary if the adoption of one does not preclude the other, and if the sum benefit of implementing both activities concurrently is greater than the benefit of implementing just one or the other.[13]   Assuming the complementarity of internal research and development and external technology a cquisition, authors Fu, Pietrobelli and Soete argue that the absorptive capacity of any small or medium firm within a developing economy is the limiting factor to successfully executing technology transfer.[14]   The authors define absorptive capacity as â€Å"a firm’s ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends.†[15] In another study, Authors Hou and Mohnen[16] tested the complementarity of internal research and development and external technology transfer in Chinese firms and found that the two technology acquisition strategies are indeed complimentary, but that external technology acquisition yielded higher returns than internal research and development for small and medium firms.   Additionally, the authors found that state-ownership of firms correlated with both product and process innovation, presumably because of increased access to financial and policy support from the central government.   This relationship would likely increase the absorptive capacity of the firm.   This suggests that small and medium firms with no government connection may be at a disadvantage due to a reduced absorptive capacity, and may be incentivized to work closely with the central Chinese government in order to acquire the necessary resources to compete within the Chinese and global marketplace.[17]   Thus , while China’s modern economic development strategy is ostensibly about supporting the expansion of small, private firms, state-connections are highly incentivized by the market. The New Silk Road China’s New Silk Road initiative is a logical extension of China’s economic expansion and modernization efforts.   This initiative is an allusion to its namesake trade network stretching from China to Central Asia and the Middle East, which was established over 2,000 years ago.[18]   In 2013, China proposed establishing a modern analog to the ancient Silk Road; however, instead of transporting silk and spices, this would build a network of railways, pipelines and utility grids to link China to the Middle East and Eastern Europe via Central Asia.[19]   Also known as the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), this massive infrastructure project aims to create the world’s largest network for economic cooperation.   This development would make it much more efficient for China to trade with 65 countries, representing 60 percent of the global population.[20]   China markets the initiative as a net win for all parties involved, and host governments see the New S ilk Road as an opportunity for job creation, economic development, and participation in the global supply chain.[21]   The New Silk Road initiative would allow China to more efficiently project soft power within Asia, Africa and Europe, which could have significant trade and national security implications for the United States.   Chinese firms have increased their foreign investment within partner countries in order to pave the way for the New Silk Road.   According to the Economist, several economic research organizations predict that the total Chinese investment abroad could rise to $2 trillion USD by 2020.[22]   For comparison, this figure was less than $800 billion USD at the end of 2014.[23]   As stated previously, Chinese firms are strongly incentivized to maintain connections with Chinese state-owned entities (or to be state-owned entities themselves), thus it stands to reason that much of the value earned through this investment will directly benefit the Chinese government.   The Chinese regime’s entanglement within the region will likely introduce significant hurdles to U.S. activities, and may diminish U.S. influence in Central Asia, the Middle East, and possibly Europe.   It is worth noting that Beijing established $100 billion USD Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIID), a multinational funding body, to support New Silk Road investments. [24]   The AIID currently has 57 members, including Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Russia.[25]   Notably absent is the United States. Made in China 2025 Not only is China expanding its economic reach and soft power influence within Eurasia via the New Silk Road, but it is also working to shift its overall production upmarket from low level manufacturing to advanced technology development.[26]   Made in China 2025 is an effort to completely upgrade Chinese industry.   The Chinese government has outlined clear principles establishing the goals of the initiative, including a desire to comprehensively upgrade Chinese industry by making it more efficient so that it can participate in the highest-level global production chains.   It also strives to create more innovation-driven manufacturing that emphasizes quality over quantity, environmentally sustainable development, and human capital management.[27]   While these are worthy goals for any country, China’s upmarket shift from manufacturing large quantities of inexpensive, low-quality goods to high-tech, high-quality products could disrupt the global market for high-tech go ods because of China’s large production capacity.   In the same way that inexpensive Chinese manufacturing has shifted labor from the United States to China, an upmarket shift in China’s manufacturing may have the same effect on highly skilled workers within the United States. Implications for the United States In order to mitigate the global effects of China’s economic expansion that may be detrimental to the U.S. strategic position, it is imperative for the United States to engage with China in a cooperative and mutually beneficial way.   President Donald Trump has been a vocal critic of trade deals, and has been especially harsh on Beijing, effectively blaming low Chinese labor costs for the perceived lack of American jobs.[28]   According to the United States Trade Representative, two-way trade with China was $598 billion USD in 2015, thus making China the United States’ largest trading partner.[29]   If the anti-Chinese rhetoric manifests as higher tariffs on Chinese imports, China may focus its trade efforts away from the United States and toward its New Silk Road partners, thus significantly reducing U.S. international trade.[30] The impact of arresting trade with China on U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is difficult to ascertain due to competing variables, but it is likely to have a net negative effect.   While tariffs would increase the net exports variable used in calculating GDP (the U.S. is a net importer from China), they may adversely affect other factors that contribute to GDP.   For example, Chinese goods are less expensive to produce than U.S. and most European goods.   Thus, if the United States diverts its import activities from China to Europe or increases domestic production, these goods will likely be more expensive than the Chinese alternatives, thus reducing overall domestic consumption within the United States.   This new equilibrium would also affect the supply of domestic goods as demand decreases, thus also reducing U.S. investment in domestic production (and a subsequent reduction in demand for labor).   Overall, this may lead to a net decrease in the U.S. GDP and a reduction in available jobs within the United States.   This American jobs loss would be exacerbated further as China shifts its manufacturing capabilities upmarket via the Made in China 2025 initiative, which may induce the offshoring highly skilled U.S. jobs in addition to skilled labor.   Not only would tariffs further incentivize China to focus its trade efforts on its New Silk Road partners, but they may evoke the second order effect of encouraging Europe to look to China for economic leadership.   This could occur if China responds to U.S. tariffs by accelerating its economic expansion into Eastern Europe.   This would likely reduce U.S. economic influence in Europe, and thus limit the U.S. ability to project soft power within the region.   This would further shift the hegemon toward China as the global economic leader.   In conclusion, Chinese economic expansion activities, including the New Silk Road Initiative and Made in China 2025, could lead to a global hegemonic shift.   This is especially true as China expands its influence toward Europe.   As the United States’ global influence wanes, Europe and U.S. allies within Central Asia may turn to China as the new hegemon – a new global economic leader.   Global power structures are dynamic, and it is unlikely that the future global power landscape will encompass a unipolar U.S. hegemon as it has in the past.   However, a multipolar hegemon including both the United States and China is surely possible.   It would benefit the United States to engage China in a cooperative and mutually beneficial way by preserving economically liberal trade arrangements.   Additionally, the U.S should strive to maintain its position as a major soft power player in Asia and Europe and work diligently to maintain its trade relationships withi n Europe and Central Asia, possibly through partnering with China on the New Silk Road.   This is of great strategic importance not only for the U.S. national security, but also for continued American economic prosperity. Bibliography Buck, John.   China’s Farm Economy. (University of Chicago Press, 1930). Carbaugh, Robert. Contemporary Economics: An Applications Approach. (Cengage Learning, 2006). Christensen, Clayton M.   The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change).   Harvard Business Review Press.   January 5, 2016. Cohen, Tyler.   â€Å"Seeing China Through its Economic History.† Bloomberg (July 25, 2016), Accessed 4 April 2017. Cohen, Wesley M. and Levinthal, Daniel A., Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation, Administrative Science Quarterly 35, no 1 (1990):128-152. Elisseeff, Vadime.   The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce.   Berghahn Books, 2000. Fu, Xiaolan, et al., â€Å"The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up†, World Development 39, no 7 (July 2011): 1204-1212. Gramer, Robbie.   â€Å"All aboard China’s ‘New Silk Road’ Express.† Foreign Policy.   4 January 2017. Guluzian, Christine R. â€Å"Making Inroads: China’s New Silk Road Initiative.†Ã‚   Cato Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Winter 2017). Heilmann, Sebastian.   â€Å"China’s Technology Grab.† The International Economy.   Spring 2016. Hou, Jun and Mohnen, Pierre, â€Å"Complementarity between in-house R&D and technology purchasing: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms†, United Nations University Working Paper, (August 2011). Jinchen, Tian. ‘One Belt and One Road’: Connecting China and the World. McKinsey&Company: Capital Projects and Infrastructure.   July 2016. â€Å"Made in China 2025.†Ã‚   Center for Strategic and International Studies.   Accessed 31 March 2017. Miller, Berkshire, J.   â€Å"Dissecting Trump’s Hardline Rhetoric on China.† China U.S. Focus.   Accessed 4 April 2017. Morrison, Wayne M.   â€Å"China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges and Implications for the United States.† Congressional Research Service Report. (October 21, 2015). Oatley, Thomas.   International Political Economy, 5th Edition.   New York: Routledge, 2016. Office of the United States Trade Representative.   The People’s Republic of China.   Accessed 4 April 2017. Slate, Robert. â€Å"Competing with Intelligence: New Directions in China’s Quest for Intangible Property and Implications for Homeland Security,† Homeland Security Affairs 5, no 1 (January 2009):1-27. â€Å"The New Silk Road.†Ã‚   The Economist Special Report. September 2015. Worde, Robert, et al., ed, China: A Country Study (Federal Research Division, U.S. Library of Congress, 1987). [1] Thomas Oatley.   International Political Economy, 5th Edition.   New York: Routledge, 2016. [2] John Buck.   China’s Farm Economy. (University of Chicago Press, 1930). [3] Robert Worde, et al., ed, China: A Country Study (Federal Research Division, U.S. Library of Congress, 1987), 207. [4] Ibid, 207. [5] Ibid, 215. [6] Ibid, 216. [7] Tyler Cohen.   â€Å"Seeing China Through its Economic History.† Bloomberg (July 25, 2016), Accessed 4 April 2017. [8] Ibid, 220. [9] Wayne M. Morrison.   â€Å"China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges and Implications for the United States.† Congressional Research Service Report. (October 21, 2015). [10] Ibid, 223. [11] Clayton M. Christensen.   The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change).   Harvard Business Review Press.   January 5, 2016. [12] Jun Hou and Pierre Mohnen, â€Å"Complementarity between in-house R&D and technology purchasing: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms†, United Nations University Working Paper, (August 2011): 1-23. [13] Robert Carbaugh. Contemporary Economics: An Applications Approach. (Cengage Learning, 2006), 35. [14] Xiaolan Fu, Carlo Pietrobelli, Luc Soete, â€Å"The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up†, World Development 39, no 7 (July 2011): 1204-1212. [15] Wesley M. Cohen and Daniel A. Levinthal, Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation, Administrative Science Quarterly 35, no 1 (1990):128-152. [16] Hou and Mohnen. [17] Robert Slate, â€Å"Competing with Intelligence: New Directions in China’s Quest for Intangible Property and Implications for Homeland Security,† Homeland Security Affairs 5, no 1 (January 2009):1-27. [18] Vadime Elisseeff.   The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce.   Berghahn Books, 2000. [19] Tian Jinchen, ‘One Belt and One Road’: Connecting China and the World. McKinsey&Company: Capital Projects and Infrastructure.   July 2016. [20] Robbie Gramer.   â€Å"All aboard China’s ‘New Silk Road’ Express.† Foreign Policy.   4 January 2017. [21] Christine R. Guluzian. â€Å"Making Inroads: China’s New Silk Road Initiative.†Ã‚   Cato Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Winter 2017). [22] â€Å"The New Silk Road.†Ã‚   The Economist Special Report. September 2015. [23] Ibid. [24] Guluzian, Cato Journal. [25] Ibid. [26] Sebastian Heilmann.   â€Å"China’s Technology Grab.† The International Economy.   Spring 2016. [27] â€Å"Made in China 2025.†Ã‚   Center for Strategic and International Studies.   Accessed 31 March 2017. [28] J. Berkshire Miller.   â€Å"Dissecting Trump’s Hardline Rhetoric on China.† China U.S. Focus.   Accessed 4 April 2017. [29] Office of the United States Trade Representative.   The People’s Republic of China.   Accessed 4 April 2017. [30] Gramer, Foreign Policy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fire Ecology of Australian Eucalypts :: Geology Nature Essays

Fire Ecology of Australian Eucalypts Eucalypts belong to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), which are evergreen ‘tropical’ rainforest trees (Bowman 2000). Three genera are considered eucalypts: Eucalyptus, Angophora, and Corymbia. Roughly 600+ species of eucalypts exist today, and nearly all are endemic to Australia ( Although eucalypts began as members of the rainforest, the pressures of poor soil, increasing aridity and most importantly recurrent fires pushed them out of the rainforests and on to become the dominant species in a harsh land. Today, fire promoting traits such as volatile leaf oils, copious litter production, and highly flammable bark allow eucalypts to out-compete rainforest species for prime sites. Geologic and Vegetative History of Australia Before 250 mya, all continents were connected into a super-continent now called Pangaea. About 250 mya, Pangaea split into two continents—Laurasia (North America, Asia, and Europe) became the northern continent and Gondwana (South America, Africa, India, Antarctica, and Australia) the southern continent. At around 145 mya, the angiosperms arose in the center of Gondwana and spread outward. The continent of Gondwana began fragmenting around 120 mya, with the break-off of India; Australia began its northward trek about 45 mya. At the time of its departure, a Gondwanic rainforest dominated by araucarias (early gymnosperms) and Nothofagus (southern beeches) covered Australia; the forests also contained members of the Myrtaceae family, from which the eucalypts arose about 34 mya. Soil cores from this period show very high counts in Nothofagus pollen, and very low levels of charcoal (Kershaw et al. 2002). While the presence of fire was felt in the ancient rainforest, its affects were relatively minor and infrequently felt. This forest covered most of Australia until the mid-Oligocene, roughly 28 mya. The rainforest may have endured if the climate of Australia had not undergone dramatic climate changes during this time. As the continent moved towards the northeast at a rate of 6-7 cm yr-1, it grew increasingly more arid. A quiet geologic history resulted in a lack of tall mountain ranges, and the continent could not capture the moisture of incoming oceanic winds. Dry climate began to take its toll upon the Gondwana rainforest; soil cores from the mid-Oligocene to the mid-Miocene show a gradual decrease in Nothofagus pollen, and a gradual increase in Myrtaceae pollen counts. This is most likely explained as a move towards a warmer or more seasonal rainforest, due to the lack of grass species in Australia and low charcoal levels (Kershaw et al.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

gatjay Failure of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald :: Great Gatsby Essays

Failure of Jay Gatsby of The Great Gatsby A society naturally breaks up into various social groups over time. Members of lower statuses constantly suppose that their problems will be resolved if they gain enough wealth to reach the upper class. Many interpret the American Dream as being this passage to high social status and, once reaching that point, not having to concern about money at all. Though, the American Dream involves more than the social and economic standings of an individual. The dream involves attaining a balance between the spiritual strength and the physical strength of an individual. Jay Gatsby, of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, fails to reach his ultimate dream of love for Daisy in that he chooses to pursue it by engaging in a lifestyle of high class. Gatsby realizes that life of the high class demands wealth to become priority; wealth becomes his superficial goal overshadowing his quest for love. He establishes his necessity to acquire wealth, which allows him to be with Daisy. The social elite of Gatsby's time sacrifice morality in order to attain wealth. Tom Buchanan, a man from an "enormously wealthy" family, seems to Nick to have lost all sense of being kind (Fitzgerald 10). Nick describes Tom's physical attributes as a metaphor for his true character when remarking that Tom had a "hard mouth and a supercilious manner...arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face...always leaning aggressively forward...a cruel body...[h]is speaking voice...added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed" (Fitzgerald 11). The wealth Tom has inherited causes him to become arrogant and condescending to others, while losing his morals. Rather than becoming immoral from wealth as Tom has, Gatsby engages in criminal activ ity as his only path to being rich. His need for money had become so great that he "was in the drug business" (Fitzgerald 95). Furthermore, he lies to Nick about his past in order to cover up his criminal activity. Gatsby claims to others that he has inherited his wealth, but Nick discovers "[h]is parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people" (Fitzgerald 104). Gatsby enters a world where money takes precedence over moral integrity. Materialism has already overshadowed a portion of his spiritual side. A quest for true love is doomed for failure in the presence of immorality. Once wealth has taken priority over integrity, members of the high social class focus on immediate indulgences, rather than on long-term pleasures of life such as love.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Benefits of Sports Essay

It is widely accepted that sport is good for us. Sport is good to our body and mind, it help us to keep in shape, control the level of blood sugar and blood pressure, and it is very good way to cure depression. Sports can be divided into different categories. Game sports like Hockey, football, or basketball need a lot of running and throwing. They are good to some people but not everybody can take part in. Other sports like tennis, table tennis, and volley ball are milder and more enjoyable by the majority of people. Sports can be very dangerous if you are not careful. However, I will argue that moderate exercise is good for everyone. Jogging, walking, and aerobics are the kinds of exercise I enjoyed most. They are definitely good for my body. Moderate exercise is good for middle aged and elderly people. It helps them to lower the cholesterol level, blood sugar level and blood pressure level. Moderate exercise is good for maintaining their bone denseness. Exercise is good for our mind too. This is very beneficial when you suffer from depression. Another thing that can learn from sports is teamwork and how to work well with others. This happens when parents and coaches commend their young athletes for unselfish play and congratulate them on their team’s efforts as well as their own. One more thing that a child learns from sport is how to cope with difficulty. Children learn how to live with losing and the fact that there are not always going to get thing their way. They also learn how to turn these defeats into positive things, by learning from their mistakes.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Auto management services

The automotive dealership General Manager ensures the profitability of the dealership by overseeing the various departments which include variable operations (sales & financing), fixed operations (service & parts), and the business office (accounting & administration). Duties of the general manager include, but certainly not limited to, planning, motivating and coordinating the dealership's management through leadership and solid business practices.Job Duties Job duties for a general manger include: Hiring all management positions, completing performance evaluations regularly and eveloping short and long-term goals for each department manager (includes administrative, sales, parts, collision and service departments). Planning and developing short and long-term goals and objectives annually, and submitting time projections to corporate management for approval. Effectively communicating with the comptroller/office manager on a weekly basis to review departmental forecasts and ensure co nsistency with annual projections.Paying close attention to daily operations, recommending and creating improved courses of action where necessary. Explaining the policies and procedures of the dealership to all employees nd following up with employees to ensure that these issues are understood and followed. Providing dealership management with weekly reports on the financial condition of the dealership. Overseeing the monthly financial statement to ensure it is complete, accurate and submitted on time to the management/dealership owners. Coordinating with the business/administrative office to ensure that records and analyses are correctly maintained.Creating a good working relationship with lending institutions and manufacturer personnel and maintaining these relationships. Coordinating regular meetings with the managers of each department to ensure heir profitability and efficiency. Overseeing the hiring and training of all department managers. Maintaining an enthusiastic attitude to build positive employee attitudes and morale. Overseeing and maintaining compensation plans for all employees. Creating cost-effective advertising programs and merchandising strategies for the dealership.Focusing on any customer complaints that department managers are unable to rectify and taking the necessary steps to resolve these complaints. Job Requirements General managers should have at least two years of dealership sales and five years in a supervisory position. Experience in other dealership departments is a plus. They must have strong leadership and organizational skills, and the ability to understand profit and loss statements and manage a large, diverse staff. General managers also must possess strong communication skills to deal with customers, employees and vendors.Managers are required to stay abreast of the federal, state, and local regulations attecting their operations and comply witn them, including hazardous waste disposal and OSHA Right-to-Know regulations. A lso they must provide the necessary training on regulations and ethical practices. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MANAGER SUMMARY Directs and coordinates activities concerned with acquisition of automotive equipment and operation and maintenance of automotive fleet repair and storage facilities by performing the following duties personally or through subordinate supervisors.ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. other duties may be assigned. Coordinates activities of personnel conducting research and testing program on automotive equipment considered for acquisition based on such factors as operational performance, costs of operation and maintenance, operational safety, and compliance with environmental laws and regulations. Reviews and submits staff proposals for modifications to vendor or manufacturer.Directs procurement of all types of company owned and operated automotive equipment and materials, supplies, and parts required to maintain automotive equipment, garages, a nd storage facilities. Coordinates automotive repair and maintenance services to obtain maximum utilization of automotive equipment and prevent operational delays in other departments. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Manages total of 7 employees in the Automotive Department. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws.Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and disciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems. QUALIFICATIONS To perform this Job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.LANGUAGE SKILLS Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and aintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak effectively before groups of customers or employees of organization. MATHEMATICAL SKILLS Ability to calculate fgures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, proportions, percentages, area, circumference, and volume. Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry.REASONING ABILITY Ability to solve practical problems and deal with a variety of concrete variables in situations where only limited standardization exists. Ability to interpret a variety of nstructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form. PHYSICAL DEMANDS While performing the duties of this Job the employee is regularly required to stand; walk; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; reach with hands and arms and talk or hear. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl.The employee is regularly required to lift up to 10 pounds and up to 25 pounds. The employee is frequently required to lift up to 50 pounds. The employee is occasionally required to litt up to 00 pounds. The vision requirements include: close vision. While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regularly required to talk or hear. The employee frequently is required to walk and sit. The employee is occasionally required to stand; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; and reach with hands and arms.WORK ENVIRONMENT While performing the duties of this Job the employee is regularly exposed to moving mechanical parts and fumes or airborne particles. The employee is frequently exposed to outside weather conditions. The employee is occasionally exposed to high, precarious places; toxic or caustic chemicals and risk of electrical shock. Finance Manager Sells new and used car buyers financing and insurance programs. managers also work with financial lenders to give fair interest rates to buyers a nd programs. As with all positions within dealerships, managers are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards.Job Duties Offering vehicle financing and insurance to customers and providing them with a thorough explanation of aftermarket products and extended warranties and a complete explanation of manufacturer and dealership service procedures and policies. Seeking new lending institutions and maintaining good working elationships to secure competitive interest rates and financing programs. Processing financing and leasing deals accurately and securing approval through financial sources to secure approval and through the proper federal, state and corporate channels.Understanding and complying with federal, state and local regulations that affect the new and used-vehicle and finance departments. Creating and maintaining a program with the sales department that will ensure all new sales are referred to the department. Training and providing the sales team with information on f inance and lease programs and the benefits of the dealership's financing and xtended service programs. Job Requirements It is recommended that the finance and insurance manager is recommended has two years of automotive sales experience and one year in a dealership management position.Managerial positions are required to maintain the profitability of their department while controlling expenses and maintaining customer satisfaction. Managers are required to not only understand and keep abreast of the federal, state, and local regulations that affect their operations. F ; I personnel require strong communication skills in order to work with customers, employees and finance and nsurance vendors as they represent the dealership. People working within the automotive retail industry often have to work extended hours, evenings and weekends to achieve their goals.HUMAN RESOURCES Job description Human resource (HR) managers are involved with recruitment, training, career development, compens ation and benefits, employee relations, industrial relations, employment law, compliance, disciplinary and grievance issues, redundancies etc. The Job involves keeping up to date with areas such as employment law, which change often. Generalist HR roles are usually found in small and medium sized ompanies, where the HR manager will deal with the whole range of HR activities. In large multinationals you will otten tind specialists, tor example in learning and development, recruitment or employee relations.Work activities Developing HR planning strategies with line managers by considering immediate and long-term staff requirements Recruiting staff by preparing Job descriptions and Job adverts; deciding on how best to advertise Shortlisting applicants for interview using a variety of selection techniques including psychometric testing Interviewing shortlisted candidates Advising on pay and other issues, including promotion and enefits; administer payroll and maintain staff records Inte rpreting and advising on employment legislation; develop and implement policies on a variety of workplace issues eg disciplinary procedures, absence management, working conditions, performance management and equal opportunities Listening to grievances and implementing disciplinary proceduresAnalysing training needs in conjunction with line managers; planning and delivering training, including staff inductions. Functional Organizations and Product Organization Functional Organizations This is the traditional type of organization. Under functional departments, employees ith closely related skills and responsibilities (functions) are located in the same department. Workers in each of these functions specialized in their tasks and knowledge. For example, senior management set rules and procedures as how to transfer the sales orders into the production schedule, how the customer service deal with complaints and warranty issues. They also have large input in the production process. The ma in advantage of functional organization is efficiency.It works best in small to medium-sized firms that offer relatively few product lines or services. Example of this functional organization will be for a company that anufactured outdoor BBQ stoves. The Sales people get the orders from the customers; the orders are transfer to the production department for production. Products are made and shipping department ships them to customers. Each department is rated by their department performance. Quality department could delay shipment if they feel the product is not meeting specification, affecting Sales target and their commission. Product Organizations Product organizations are formed based on a particular product, or service. Each of these departments can operate fairly autonomously.A key advantage is better oordination and fewer barriers to communication among the functional specialists who work on a particular product. , Therefore, able to response to customers in a timely way. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that product-oriented departments might actually work at cross purposes. For Example, Toyota has a luxury nigh end line ot automobiles called Lexus in addition to their Toyota Brand . Dealer either sells Toyota or Lexus but not both. Each dealer has the same Sales and Service department. The logic behind this split is Toyota management believe the customers who buy the Lexus brand are more affluent and demand higher

Sunday, September 15, 2019

American literature realism Essay

In American literature realism, is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. Realism has been mainly concerned with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle and lower classes, where character is a product of social factors and environment is the important element in the dramatic complications. The realism sought to explain why ordinary people behave they way they do. What, for example, fuels the ambitions of a young man who has come from the country to the city to make his fortune? Why does an apparently happily married woman decide to have a love affair? What leads a woman to accept or reject a particular man? In trying to answer these questions, realistic novelists often relied on the emerging sciences of human and animal behavior–biology, psychology, and sociology–as well as on their own insights and observations. Realism from 1865 to the present has changed. As authors have moved into a global world, their writing has become less regional and therefore less realistic. Writers today do research instead of writing about what they already know about. As the world has become more global, authors have become more full. To a certain extent, realism is about presenting a limited view because is very much about regionalism. An author can only write realistically about what he/she knows. Authors like Mark Twain and F. Scott Fitzgerald gives a â€Å"tell it like it is† writing in the stories. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the setting has a large influence on Huck’s character. The period of time that Huck lived in was a distinct era. The country was changing rapidly. During this period steam engines enabled rivers to be used as mass transportation, an idea that had never been explored until now. There were many traits of this era that can be seen by looking at the components of Huck’s character, his language, actions and thoughts. Some of these traits are subtle and can be easily missed but others are very obvious and powerful. This period of change was the setting of Huck’s childhood. One trait that is indicative of the era is the social class of Huck and Huck’s  language. It is greatly affected by his social class and setting. The broken English is a sign of Huck’s low social class. In addition it also shows that he is from a southern river town. This can be seen from his expressions and accent. The rules of the time that Huck’s character is governed upon, Huck was never educated. During the early 1800s there was no law that required children to go to school, therefore his low intellect has a strong impact on Huck’s character. It gives him a â€Å"plain and simple† outlook on life, this trait can been seen throughout the book in Huck’s character. One specific area it affects is Huck’s plans for his future. Huck only thought about what he was going to do for present. Huck had an incapable father. He was thought of as the town drunk, and would often come home intoxicated and abuse Huck. At one point his father locked Huck up in a small room without food or water for days. The setting is important here because if Huck’s father were to treat his son in an abusive manner today, he would lose custody of his child. A good example of Huck’s unloving relationship was Huck’s reaction to his father’s death. When notified of his death he was relieved and felt safe. This detail can be used to illustrate the abuse that Huck went through in the beginning of the book, while living with his father. Since Huck’s father had irresponsible actions, Huck ran away at a young age in the hope that someday he would find freedom from his father and society. Huck’s separation from his father is also the reason for his freethinking, responsibility and innocence. These times of hardship formed him into a mature person and helped contribute to his independent personality. Without the influence of the setting Huck would have never been able to achieve the freedom that he had by being independent. When Huck ran away he joined up with Jim, who was also running away, but from something different. Jim was fleeing from slavery, a common practice of the time. Huck’s relationship with Jim contributed to Huck’s non-prejudice thinking. Another factor that gave Huck an understanding of how the slaves must have felt was the prejudice that he experienced himself, being part of the lower class. Huck  was infuriated when people looked down upon him for something that was no fault of his; he was born into the class because of his father’s social status. For these reasons Huck always treated Jim as an equal, making Huck ahead of his time. Jim knew that Huck respected him, as a result Jim risked his own life to save Huck. In the story you find humor with Huck’s character. In real life you have humor being part of life. For example, Huck’s account of his reasons for participating in what he knows to be the ridiculous schemes of Tom Sawyer’s gang. He recognizes that their â€Å"swords† are â€Å"only lath and broom-sticks† and he does not believe, in any case, that they â€Å"could lick such crowd of Spaniards and A-rabs†. At one point one finds that Huck seems to accept Tom’s values. Before boarding the Walter Scott he says â€Å"Do you reckon,† he asks Jim, rhetorically, â€Å"Tom Sawyer would ever go by this thing?† It is here at the Phelps farm, where he even takes Tom’s name. Huck’s independence and lack of education resulted in a mind that was never influenced by adult’s beliefs. This allowed Huck to have thoughts based on what he believed in, not traditions that are simply carried on by messengers of the past’s beliefs. Although traditions are often good they prevent new ideas from entering people’s minds. This made Huck original; this individuality could be seen with his relationship with Jim. During this period of American history slaves were looked down upon, but Huck, being an independent thinker, looked up to Jim for who he was, not for the color of his skin. This change in dialogue clearly illustrates how the relationship grew stronger during their adventures. By the end of the novel Huck risked his own life to free Jim in the final escape attempt. His dependence made him loyal to the Mississippi River. The personification of the river that Huck uses clearly shows his feelings and thankfulness to the river. It also helped show how important the river was too not only Huck but to all of the river towns and people. The Great Gatsby’s best qualities is Fitzgerald’s incredible use of realism. This realism is evident in the development of plot, setting, and characters throughout the novel. The novel is well known for its deeply entangled plots  and sub-plots. At first Fitzgerald used realism to develop these plots by choosing plots that would be believable to readers. For example, the main plot of â€Å"The American Dream† (Jay Gatsby’s dream of becoming rich and successful in order to impress Daisy) is easily believable and is still a quite common dream today. Smaller plots, such as Tom Buchanan’s affair with Myrtle, are also very realistic and are a common occurrence in every day life. From here Fitzgerald deepened the story by using realism to entangle these plots. Fitzgerald then grew upon these plots by making them all have realistic outcomes (such as Gatsby’s demise), rather than your typical story book endings. Fitzgerald uses realism to clearly depict the setting of the Great Gatsby. This use of realism could be mostly due to the fact that Fitzgerald lived during the time of the novel, and by using great detail, he was able to reproduce his interpretation of the 1920’s. The novel takes place during the summer in New York as Nick Carraway has just moved to pursue a career in the bond business. This is a very realistic setting because just after World War 1 the eastern United States were flourishing with people and business. Large, fancy homes and big parties (such as Gatsby’s) were also quite popular. Fitzgerald realistically demonstrates the inexistence of the middle class at that time. For example the contrast between Tom Buchanan and Mr. Wilson shows vast difference between the upper and lower classes. The exact geographical location of the novel does not exist, but Fitzgerald does a great job in using realism to convince the reader of the setting. No matter how significant realism is to the setting of the novel, perhaps the most important use of realism comes through Fitzgerald’s development of characters throughout the novel. The novel characters are the basis of the novel from which the plots revolve around. Fitzgerald uses realism to ensure that all the characters in the novel are believable in both their history and interactions with each other. A prime example of this would be Daisy. Her history of having a successful family, and being the center of attention deeply influences her character into being self-centered and dependent on wealth, making her character  believable to readers. From here Fitzgerald was able to manipulate the characters. This convinces the reader of genuinely of each individual and therefore makes the whole story seem more realistic. Throughout the novel, the plot was deepened through the entangling of many realistic sub-plots, the setting was clearly illustrated using plenty of detail, and the characters were developed to be as believable and genuine as possible. In the end it is the realistic recognition of life’s imperfections that give The Great Gatsby its continuing appeal. The things that happen are real and could really happen. The characters are products of their environments. In today’s society we have somewhat the same issues. It depends on ones culture and beliefs. If you are pretty much conservative one finds that acting a certain way, wanting freedom, lying or dishonesty won’t be acceptable. The two novels that I chose both show realism â€Å"tell it like it is† but in different ways. What happens to Huck Finn is a result of how and where he lives. Events happen to him because of the real life setting and place. The central figure in Huck Finn isn’t even really Huck†¦it’s the river. Gatsby is shaped by external factors such as love, money and other people’s ideals. Nothing that happens is glorified or exaggerated. In my opinion I think that Twain and Fitzgerald both conveyed in reality. Both authors wrote there stories based upon the social restrictions of time. Today we see the same kind of American dream and look down upon the lower class. I think that we moved closer to the truth by seeing what society be really about. This is somewhat the real world and it’s either your accepted by following the rules or not accepted by disobeying the rules.